Steering and Suspension Inspection
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Select Steering and Suspension Insp from Safety Systems Inspection Modules

Select the Steering and Suspension Result for the inspection:

Steering and Suspension Inspection: Pass

Select Pass to continue to enter passing vehicle information regarding the performed steering and suspension inspection.

Front Suspension System Type

Select the Front Suspension System Type from the drop down list. Please note the displayed options may be different from what
is shown below; within a given screen, only options appropriate for the 
vehicle's configuration and type are displayed.

The screen reflects the selected Front Suspension System Type.

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Steering and Suspension Inspection: Fail

Select Fail to continue to enter failure data regarding the performed steering and suspension inspection. The interface will present failure options
appropriate to the inspected vehicle type:

Please note the displayed options may be different from what is shown below; within a given screen, only options appropriate for the 
vehicle's configuration and type are displayed.

Note: If the vehicle type is Trailer, skip to Suspension Failure Data.

Warning Lights Failure Data

Enter Warning Lights failure data as it applies to the inspected vehicle.

Note: If none of the failures on this screen apply to the vehicle, continue to the next screen

Note: A drop down will not become active unless the associated checkbox is checked. Active drop downs must have a selection.

Steering Failure Data

Enter Steering failure data as it applies to the inspected vehicle.

Note: If none of the failures on this screen apply to the vehicle, continue to the next screen

Note: A drop down will not become active unless the associated checkbox is checked. Active drop downs must have a selection.
If Other is selected as the drop-down option, an additional text box is displayed in which you must enter a description of the
component failure up to 100 characters.

Suspension Failure Data

Enter Suspension failure data failure data as it applies to the inspected vehicle.

Note: If none of the failures on this screen apply to the vehicle, continue to the next screen

Note: A drop down will not become active unless the associated checkbox is checked. Active drop downs must have a selection.
If Other is selected as the drop-down option, an additional text box is displayed in which you must enter a description of the
component failure up to 100 characters.

Note: At least one failure from any of the previous screens is required to complete the steering and suspension inspection.

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No Failure Selected

The following screen is displayed if the user did not enter any failure data for the vehicle after determining the vehicle failed the steering and suspension inspection.

Click here to return to the top of this page and repeat the steps necessary to complete the steering and suspension inspection.