Select 1 Station Settings from the Manage Station Menu to display the Update Station Configuration screen. Use this screen to set business hours, VIR print parameters and opt-in to Low Certificate Warning messages for a selected Station.
The Station Name is populated on the screen. Select Station business Start Time and End Time for each Day of Week.
Review and modify the following as needed:
Number of VIR print copies in English
Number of VIR print copies in Spanish
Alert for Low Certificate Inventory (5 remaining)
Check the Alert for Low Certificate Inventory (5 remaining) checkbox to receive a pop-up message during an inspection if, after issuing a certificate, only five certificates remain in inventory for the analyzer. Un-check the box if the alert is not desired.
Note: Setting this option affects all analyzers at the selected station. This option is not available for government fleet or roadside stations.
Click Save to incorporate updates or click Cancel to return to the Manage Station Menu.